How to Link Social and Professional Networks on Your Webfolio Website

Embrace the power of connectivity with Webfolio's feature that allows you to link your professional and social network accounts to your website. This guide walks you through the easy steps to include these links in the footer of your website, making it straightforward for visitors to connect with you across multiple platforms. Stay updated, stay connected, with Webfolio.

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Introduction: Boosting Connectivity with Your Webfolio Website

In today's interconnected digital landscape, maintaining a consistent presence across various professional and social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter has become crucial. With Webfolio, you can effortlessly incorporate links to these networks on your website, fostering seamless connections with your website visitors. This enhanced connectivity allows your audience to keep up-to-date with your professional endeavors and interact with your brand across various digital platforms.

Linking Social and Professional Networks: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a link to your social or professional network account is a simple process on Webfolio. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to the designated section and click on the "Add a network account" button.
  2. From the dropdown list that appears, select the network you wish to link to (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
  3. Copy the URL of your respective network account and paste it into the designated URL field.

This will create a direct link to your social or professional network profile, providing an additional point of engagement for your website visitors.

Managing Your Network Links

At any point, should you wish to remove a linked network account, you can easily do so by clicking on the "bin" icon next to the link. This ensures that your website always accurately represents your current social and professional presence.

If you ever need to delete a network link, just click on the "bin" icon.